🌽 Corn - "User Engagement Incentive" && "Power to the People" without creating POP market pressure

As the current DEX LP proposal has shown we need a way to spread voting power more evenly across active/involved community members. If there are POP whales who can singlehanded decide/override any vote that is in progress voting feels redundant. At the same time we don’t want to increase sale pressure on POP, especially in this early phase of the project. Furthermore it would be good to gratify participation in various DAO related tasks (Chat Moderation, Meme Design, creating and discussing proposals, spreading the word in general etc.) in a sustainable way - with :corn:corn token.

:corn: differs from POP and xPOP in several ways:

  • It comes with X times (for example 100x) voting power on snapshot votes per corn compared to POP which somewhat levels the playing field a bit
  • You can earn it just by participating in the DAO and acting in the DAO interest
  • You can’t trade/send corn to other addresses, just receive it (makes it hard although not impossible to trade)
  • It auto-vests for X months (for example 3 months) before you can pop it 1:X (1:1, 1:10?) for $POP from the community pop pool. This way you are interested in the long term success of the DAO wink
  • It is easier/more fun to explain than xPOP and tastes good with butter

ManSweet. I like this idea. It sounds similar to how another project I was involved in was thinking about governance. Basically reputation (contributions) would be treated like wallet size so that someone couldn’t just buy their way into making leadership decisions.

I’m wondering, how would CORN work in a wallet? Like how feasible is it technically? I’m only asking because I don’t have any clue :nerd_face:

I also wonder if somehow it was built into the Butter platform? It’s hard to track participation across discourse, discord, snapshot, and coordinate with a wallet I imagine.


I’m wondering, how would CORN work in a wallet? Like how feasible is it technically? I’m only asking because I don’t have any clue :nerd_face:

I guess :corn: would work like every other ERC20 token. Timelocking should have been already implemented for POP tokens (early investors have a vesting period) and if you look at the last snapshot vote you can see that extra xPOP token added for for example the polygon network {\"address\":\"0x5A35d30c8b23e571e4F7eFc25F353c91fD12F8E8\",\"decimals\":18},\"network\":\"137\"} whose balance should be taken into consideration too.

I also wonder if somehow it was built into the Butter platform? It’s hard to track participation across discourse, discord, snapshot, and coordinate with a wallet I imagine.

Yeah maybe we need some kind of self-reporting like “I participated in X discussions and added Y proposals myself” or something like this. We have the same problem with xPOP. But yeah it is a difficult task to build a system that is not gameable.

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Pfp. Or, to be more specific, screenshot for proof. Maybe a committee decides on projects that receive payment and it’s the user’s obligation to submit proof to claim their portion of the proceeds?


Yeah I think people need to be involved for rating the quality of contributions. For example posting “good idea, nice project” into every proposal listed on this forum shouldn’t result in the same amount of :corn: then putting time and energy into an in depth market analysis or designing a new product etc.